Locoburgemeester Laurens van Doeveren ontving vrijdag 19 april VS-ambassadrice Shefali Razdan Duggal om 242 jaar ononderbroken vriendschap te vieren tussen Nederland en de Verenigde Staten. Op de foto snijden zij samen de taart aan onder toeziend oog van Amerikaanse mariniers. Foto: Patrick Kop.
Locoburgemeester Laurens van Doeveren ontving vrijdag 19 april VS-ambassadrice Shefali Razdan Duggal om 242 jaar ononderbroken vriendschap te vieren tussen Nederland en de Verenigde Staten. Op de foto snijden zij samen de taart aan onder toeziend oog van Amerikaanse mariniers. Foto: Patrick Kop.

Wassenaar honored on US-NL Friendship Day


Some may have been surprised to see the US flag flying in front of the Raadhuis in the Paauw last Friday. The flag had been raised as part of the 242d celebration of Dutch-American Friendship Day and a reception hosted by Deputy Mayor van Doeveren. The event was organized by Overseas Americans Remember (OAR) and attended by over 30 guests. 

By George Brady

After a brief opportunity for socializing over coffee and snacks, the group convened in a side parlor for a brief ceremony. OAR representative Roberta Enschede set the scene for the event which has been celebrated since the day was officially designated by the US Congress in 1982. A student from the American School of the Hague read a proclamation that harkened back to 1782 when one of the US founding fathers, John Adams, came to the Netherlands where he was recognized by the States General in the Hague as Minister Plenipotentiary, a precursor to the status of ambassador. The designation also constituted the first official international recognition of the United States as an independent nation.

US Ambassador to the Netherlands, Shefali Razdan Duggal next addressed the guests, highlighting the strong historical foundation for the relationship between the Netherlands and the US as well as recent initiatives including an exchange of experts on addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. The Ambassador also announced the OAR’s Certificate of Appreciation which is awarded annually to the person or entity who exemplifies through their efforts the importance of the bond between the two Western nations. 

To his great surprise, Deputy Mayor van Doeveren was called up to receive the certificate which was awarded this year to the Gemeente Wassenaar for the ongoing support to the American community who call Wassenaar home, as well as hosting the US Embassy and the American School. Once he recovered from the surprise announcement, the Deputy Mayor graciously received the honor on behalf of the Gemeente. On a personal note, he recalled fondly his time spent with the US Consulate in Atlanta and as a student in New York City where he developed his close connection with the US.

The Overseas Americans Abroad hosts events throughout the year to bring the community together for special occasions, including Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King’s birthday and Independence Day in July. Photo: Patrick Kop.

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