Wendy Frigge
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Connecting- a keyword for Lokaal Wassenaar

Local elections are approaching on March 14th, 15th and 16th. As Wassenaarders we will choose our town council members by voting for individual candidates who represent specific political parties. Though many individuals and their parties represent national political interests, Lokaal Wassenaar, the second largest party in Wassenaar, represents only Wassenaar residents and their interests. Without the distraction of national political alliances, Lokaal Wassenaar can focus on connecting us all locally.
In the coming weeks, multiple campaigns will focus on us voters, as we determine which party and its ideals best suit us, so we can all make our votes count for our community. Lokaal Wassenaar believes that differences in our backgrounds, income, education, nationalities, religions or upbringing, strengthen us as a community, and we have more connecting us than separating us. Lokaal Wassenaar is focused on connecting us, because together, we are Wassenaar, and working together, we can do great things for our community and its future.
Most of us love Wassenaar, because it is a friendly, beautiful town with so much to offer. Known as a green oasis, it’s no wonder we Wassenaarders love being near the sea, enjoying the dunes, our forests and our waterways. We enjoy our lovely village with a variety of shops, galleries and restaurants. We have a wide range of sports and music facilities, active neighborhood clubs and many good schools and day cares. Our town’s offices are easily accessible at our own town hall. We can feel safe with our own health center, fire brigade and police station. We are informed and social, with our own library and cultural centers. Our town offers special services for our residents who may need extra help. These are all the sorts of things we must cherish and protect locally, with our votes, so that future generations will also enjoy living in Wassenaar as much as we do now. In the coming years Lokaal Wassenaar will make every effort to preserve and strengthen everything connecting us. Together we are building an adaptable and sustainable Wassenaar for us all.
Lokaal Wassenaar, List 3